Language & Papers
Working language is English.
The time allocated for the invited review paper is 50 min + 10 min for discussion, while the time allowed for the contributed paper is 12 min + 3 min for discussion. The speaker can use local computer (Windows) or his/her laptop. We ask all speakers to convince themselves that their presentations actually work. We encourage you to copy and check your presentations in advance. Our technicians will help you.
We invite presentating your contributions on poster displays (the oral presentation is 2 minutes max). The recommended poster size is A1 or A0.
Oral contributions and posters will be published as a special issu of the ASP Conference Series.
Use ASPCS Style for your proceedings contributions and posters.
Please take into account that ASP will want the American letter format instead A4 format. The limits for conference contributions are:
- 15 pages for invited papers,
- 5 pages for contributed papers,
- 2 pages for posters,
Please send your proceedings contribution(s) by e-mail to Miloslav Zejda (zejda (at) physics (dot) muni (dot) cz).
The deadline is November 15, 2014