The scientific meeting will be organized in the city of Litomyšl, Czech Republic, on the week of September 8 - 12, 2014. The city will be honouring Zdenek Kopal, one of the foremost investigators of binary stars who was born in this city in 1914. A similar, smaller-scale conference in the same city took place in 2004 (

The conference, planned for the five weekdays, would be followed over the weekend (with a planned overlap on Friday, Sep.12, 2014) by a meeting of Czech and Slovak amateurs (variable star and exo-planet observers:

The local organization will be provided by the same team (LOC, led by Miloslav Zejda) that organized the successful conference "Binaries: Key to comprehension of the Universe" in Brno in 2009.

The conference is planned to have one-day and half-day sessions with review and contributed papers. The contributed papers will be screened by the SOC for content and relevance to insure a proper balance between review and contributed papers. Time for discussions will be provided after each presentation. There will be poster displays accessible throughout the duration of the conference.

An effort will be made to make the conference schedule unhurried and not congested by reserving ample time for individual discussions and interactions during session breaks.